
Notice & Events

Date: 18th – 22nd NOVEMBER, 2024

Advances in technology, educational policies and the pandemic situation: all have contributed to a general shift in the teaching-learning process. It is a challenge to educators across all subjects to deliver adequately and completely, so that the learner can grasp as best as possible. The Faculty Development Program (FDP) aims to improve the expertise of academicians of scientific and technological streams to counter the changing academic environment. With the incorporation of contemporary methods like biotechnology, artificial intelligence, and customized care, the role of the educators in training the future generation of pharmacists and engineers is more important than ever. The prime motto of this FDP is to give the trainers a thorough awareness of the most recent approaches, trends, and difficulties in the teaching-learning pedagogy and scientific research. It will enable them to bridge the gap between academia and industry by providing them with the necessary skills and information to deliver a robust lecture and engage the student community for better understanding. From blackboard to smartboard, teaching has come a long way and adapting to newer methodologies is the call of the day.



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